Our Mission

Our mission is to produce high-quality, honest beef that customers can have confidence in knowing how and where their beef was raised. Our goal is for all cattle to be raised on pasture where they can have the freedom to express their natural behaviors, lounge in the sunshine, and interact with herdmates. Our ultimate goal is to pass on our direct-market beef business as a profitable, full-time farm business model that our children will be able to continue with as the 7th generation on the farm.  

Know Your Farmer

It all began when a girl (Haly) met a boy (Joe) while working at a potato farm in northern Wisconsin during their college years. They both liked to fish. She had a canoe and he had a boat with a motor (an upgrade); it was love at first cast. Now three kids and lots of cows later, they are the 6th generation on Joe’s family farm which consists of 50 acres of pasture and 180 acres of crops (row crops and hay). With a passion to allow all cattle to be raised on high-quality pastures and to work with docile cattle that produce delicious beef on pasture, they discovered the Murray Grey breed.

about Haly About Joe

Haly with Murray Calf
Joe Schultz
  • Became interested in farming during her senior year in high school.

  • Attended UW-River Falls and studied Animal Science with an emphasis on Beef Production and Farm Management

  • Worked on various beef operations in Wisconsin, Nevada, and Montana through college internships

  • Served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Lesotho (southern Africa)

  • Currently works with other farmers to help them develop Grazing Plans (fence and water system layouts, pasture seed mixes, etc.) for their own farms

  • Currently manages Marth Homestead’s finances and the beef, custom dairy heifer, pasture, and hay enterprises

  • Grew up on his family’s 35 cow dairy farm in Neillsville, Wisconsin (our current farm location)

  • Attended UW-Stevens Point and studied Natural Resources with an emphasis on Waste Management

  • Currently works with other farmers to write Nurtrient Management Plans for their farms and sells corn, soybean, and cover crop seed

  • Currently manages the row crop, cover crop, and hay enterprises of Marth Homestead Farm